Adding Value with an Explorer's Mindset
I've recently had the pleasure of sharing my research with academics, senior leaders from prestigious organisations and ambitous MBAs. I argued explorers have shaped our world and will shape the future too, because an explorer’s mindset creates value. How?
One element involves value creation with intangible assets. A 2015 study by the Chartered Global Management Accountant Association of 744 senior executives in industry, finance, and general management in 34 countries, revealed the five most important levers for value creation in a digital economy:
Customer satisfaction
Quality of business processes
Customer relations
Human capital
Brand reputation
Explorers have deep insight for organisations here because exploration is a joint enterprise in knowledge creation, conducted under special conditions and often with institutional sponsorship. It requires expert human capital, quality processes and relationship management. And once upon a time public interest in some expeditions was so intense windows at the Royal Geographical Society were smashed as crowds surged to hear an explorer’s story- that's compelling brand reputation and customer satisfaction right there.